Other International Projects




IPA, referred to as the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), has become the primary financial and technical assistance instrument used to help candidate and potential candidate countries access Union standards. In this context, IPA serves the purpose of aligning the legislation and standards of countries in the pre-accession process with EU legislation and standards, enabling the institutions of these countries to carry out these alignment efforts in the accession process, enhancing their capacities for implementing reforms, and ultimately preparing for the rights and obligations that come with EU membership.

The total budget for the IPA III period to be implemented from 2021 to 2027, amounting to 14.2 billion euros, is shared among all beneficiary countries under the "fair sharing principle."

The overall coordination task for the implementation of IPA in Türkiye under the indirect management model has been assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU Presidency, acting as the National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC). This responsibility covers all relevant processes from the preparation to the closure of the program.

The Ministry of Treasury and Finance serves as the National Authorizing Officer, taking responsibility for the financial management of IPA funds provided to Türkiye and ensuring the legality and compliance of expenditures. The National Authorizing Officer is responsible for the management of IPA accounts and financial transactions, as well as the effective functioning of internal control systems.

The Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) is responsible for budget preparation, tenders, contract implementation, payments, accounting, and financial reporting related to procurement activities carried out under IPA. The other four contracting authorities responsible for budgetary practices and multi-year sectoral operational programs are as follows:

• Environmental and Climate Action Sector

• Competitiveness and Innovation Sector

• Transportation Sector

• Education, Employment, and Social Policies Sector

For detailed information about IPA, please click here.

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